

What does ChatGPT mean for Healthcare?  ChatGPT对医疗保健意味着什么?By Sarah Moore|Reviewed by Emily Henderson, B.Sc.

ChatGPT may be the fastest-growing consumer internet application to have ever been launched. Launched in November, the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot developed by OpenAI reached 100 million users in just two months. Its unprecedented popularity can be attributed to its impressive capabilities. The man who ignited the home computer revolution, Bill Gates, believes ChatGPT will change the world, claiming that AI is just as important as the PC and the internet.


Here, we discuss how ChatGPT may change the face of healthcare and, if it can do so ethically.


What can ChatGPT do, and why is it so popular?  ChatGPT可以做什么?为什么它如此受欢迎?

将AI视为科幻小说中的事物已经过时了。如今,AI在我们日常生活中被广泛应用,我们甚至有时候都没有意识到它的存在。然而,直到最近,AI才能够真正理解所处理的信息。尽管AI能够阅读和撰写文本,但它却无法达到理解层次上的下一阶段。不过,随着Chat GPT的出现,这一情况似乎得到了改变。


ChatGPT 的存在形式是一种AI驱动的聊天机器人,其功能与人类直观的对话方式相仿。它可以撰写文章、散文、求职信甚至笑话和诗歌,针对文本提示进行回应。自2022年11月推出以来,Chat GPT凭借其在法律考试、明尼苏达大学和宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的出色表现,以及编写长篇报道和编码完整网站的能力,赢得了全球的赞誉。


ChatGPT 的受欢迎程度源于人类对这项技术无限潜力的好奇心。它的新颖性和广泛适用于各个行业的特性,使其潜在能力尚未被完全发掘。各行各业的管理层已经纷纷开始探讨这项技术能为他们带来什么价值。ChatGPT 有潜力颠覆众多行业,包括搜索引擎、教育、图形设计、研究、医疗保健、零售、银行、制造业、物流和旅游等领域,已被视为将受益于这项技术的行业。


Here, we focus on how it can be used in healthcare, how it may cause a shift in the industry, and what ethical implications must be considered.


How might ChatGPT revolutionize healthcare? ChatGPT将如何彻底改变医疗保健?

There are many potential applications of ChatGPT in healthcare, and the extent to which ChatGPT might improve healthcare may cause a profound shift in our healthcare systems.


Following the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen a rise in the use of telemedicine, and ChatGPT can facilitate this shift towards the remote management of healthcare by developing virtual assistants to book patient appointments, help patients receive treatments, and manage their health information.


While human doctors will always be needed to make the final call on healthcare decisions, ChatGPT can assist with clinical decision support by providing real-time, evidence-based recommendations such as flagging potential drug interactions, suggesting treatment options for a specific condition, and providing relevant clinical guidelines.


Medical record keeping is another area where ChatGPT will likely improve healthcare systems. Here, it could summarize patient medical histories, effectively streamlining the record-keeping process. Theoretically, healthcare professionals could dictate to ChatGPT, which could automatically summarize the key details.


Real-time translation is another function of ChatGPT that can be leveraged in healthcare. The systems advanced language processing capabilities could be capitalized on to quickly and accurately translate technical terms and medical jargon, ensuring patients fully understand their diagnosis, treatment options, and medical instructions.


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Clinical trials are vital to the advancement of the healthcare system. They are pivotal to developing new treatments, diagnostic tools, and preventative strategies. Clinical trials need many participants, and recruitment can be challenging. ChatGPT could identify patients that meet inclusion criteria, helping researchers connect with patients willing to participate in the clinical trial.


Already, there are many online tools designed to check symptoms to help patients determine when medical attention is required. ChatGPT can be used to develop more accurate and reliable symptom checkers that could provide more fine-tuned guidance on the next steps.


ChatGPT also has the potential to enhance medical education. The system could provide healthcare professionals and students instant access to the medical information and resources needed to support their development.


Finally, ChatGPT has potential applications in mental health support, remote patient monitoring, medication management, disease surveillance, medical writing, patient triage, and more.


ChatGPT:TheFutureofIntelligentInteractionPatient Information 患者信息

Are there any drawbacks to using ChatGPT in healthcare?  医疗保健中使用ChatGPT有什么缺点吗?

While its potential is huge, considerable ethical considerations cannot be omitted from any conversation about ChatGPT. With the launch of ChatGPT and other advanced AI, we have reached a turning point with artificial intelligence, and it is vital that we must assess how to use these increasingly intelligent and capable tools ethically and safely.


There are many ethical considerations to address when implementing AI tools in any industry. Those that are perhaps most relevant to healthcare relate to privacy and safety. When using ChatGPT, you are feeding it data, and in healthcare, this data will often be confidential patient information. This has huge implications for data protection, as before ChatGPT can be widely adopted in healthcare, systems must be established to ensure that patient information is kept private. In addition, there is the risk that due to the incredible capabilities of ChatGPT, users may naturally blindly trust the system to be 100% accurate all of the time. ChatGPT should be used to assist rather than do, and all work and information it provides should be checked. If incorrect, the AI-generated information provided by ChatGPT has the potential to impact a persons health; therefore, great caution should be taken.


Overall, ChatGPT has the potential to streamline and improve healthcare systems in numerous ways. It is like that this technology will become widely adopted and cause a permanent shift, such as the widespread adoption of the internet has revolutionized industries. However, the technology should be used with caution and should not be relied on to make healthcare decisions in the absence of human healthcare professionals.





