This article, written by "Zhi东" at NetEase News and financed by the NetEase Number Characteristic Content Incentive Plan, tells the story behind the creation of ChatGPT, a popular global application. According to interviews with multiple parties, the story of a five-year product development plan for ChatGPT,...
AI 模型在短期内遇到了挑战,但这并不意味着大模型风口已经过去。ChatGPT 流量下滑可能是由多种因素共同导致的,并且国内外竞争加剧、用户转向其他产品以及运营模式变化等因素都在一定程度上影响了 ChatGPT 的流量。然而,大模型赛道仍然受到市场重视,且对相关企业发展的加持作用日益显著。因此,我们需要保持理性看待这一现象,并继续关注 AI 领域的最新发展。