NVIDIA's GTC 2023, focusing on healthcare and life sciences, expects to host 90 events surpassing those in automotive, cloud, and semiconductor sectors. AI-driven drug innovation acceleration and the growth prospects of related industries are highlighted. The global 'AI Healthcare' market is projected to reach $700 billion...
NVIDIA's GTC conference, which will kick off soon, is dominated by 90 healthcare/life sciences events - the most among all sectors, highlighting its significant focus. NVIDIA's CEO,黄仁勋, views digital biology as the 'next big革命' driven by convergence of data science, AI, and automation, promising exponential advancements...
会议聚焦于临床文档管理,随着AI技术的发展,如微软Nuance的DAX Copilot等解决方案有望减少医生行政负担,促进面对面医患交流。AI在医疗领域的应用显著,如药物研发和影像分析,正成为医疗卫生系统探索生成式AI应用的重点领域,尤其环境临床文档解决方案备受瞩目,如Stanford Health Care的积极采用和反馈良好表明了其潜力与效益。